Wade is a huge fan of all the free-spirited underground players who don’t always play by the rulebook. Likewise, he strives not to be
stereotyped to a fixed figure; Wade values originality and diversity over everything.
Wade’s nature to experiment and seek diversity lays the foundation of his highly fluid mindset. His flexible way of thinking sets
ground for his creative work, which often twists the obvious ortoss in hints of newness into existing things.
These creative works are part of Wade’s effort to bring down barriers between the mainstream and subcultures, inspiring all people
with creative minds and granting them with opportunities to explore their ideas freely.
Wade’s iconic trait, ‘Water’, is the source of energy and elixir which fosters growth of all things. It symbolizes unlimited
embracement, going beyond all skin color, race, class or gender. The eternally flowing nature of water represents the everlasting
legacy of subcultures which has been along with us for countless generations.